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    5th - Special Guest: Joe Oden (NO NOTES)

    12th - Pressing Into Prayer - Part 1 (VIEW NOTES)

    19th - Pressing Into Prayer - Part 2 (VIEW NOTES)

    26th - Pressing Into Prayer - Part 3 (VIEW NOTES)


    2nd - Pressing Into Prayer - Part 4 (VIEW NOTES)

    9th - A Kingdom Mentality - Part 1 (VIEW NOTES)

    16th - A Kingdom Mentality - Part 2 (VIEW NOTES)

    23rd - A Kingdom Mentality - Part 3 (VIEW NOTES)


    2nd - A Kingdom Mentality - Part 4 (VIEW NOTES)

    9th - Speaker: Drew Hawkins (NO NOTES)

    16th - Speaker: Jeannie Martin (NO NOTES)

    23rd - Special Guests: Dustin & Natalie Barthalow (NO NOTES)

    30th - Special Guests: The Voices of Lee (NO NOTES)


    6th - Special Guest: Iain Swisher (NO NOTES)

    13th - Special Guest: Bruce Headley (NO NOTES

    20th - Come Home (VIEW NOTES)

    27th - Hope Lives Here: Part 1 (VIEW NOTES)


    7th - Special Guest: Tim Enloe

    14th - Prayer, Presence & Power - Part 1 - VIEW NOTES

    21st - Prayer, Presence & Power - Part 2 - VIEW NOTES

    28th - Prayer, Presence & Power - Part 3 - VIEW NOTES


    4th - Pursuing Jesus: Part 1 - Just Show Up - VIEW NOTES

    11th - Pursuing Jesus: Part 2 - Listening to Jesus - VIEW NOTES

    18th - Pursuing Jesus: Part 3 - Dropping the Stone - VIEW NOTES

    25th - Pursuing Jesus: Part 4 - No Matter What - VIEW NOTES


    3rd - Special Guest: Eddie Turner (NO NOTES)

    10th - Be Different: Part 1 - Set Apart - VIEW NOTES

    17th - Be Different: Part 2 (Drew Hawkins - NO NOTES)

    24th - Be Different: Part 3 - Who's the Greatest? - VIEW NOTES

    31st - Easter Sunday: Good News! - VIEW NOTES


    7th - Special Guest: Brooks Till (NO NOTES)

    14th - Get Going: Part 1 - We Have Been Sent - VIEW NOTES

    21st - Get Going: Part 2 (Jeannie Martin - NO NOTES)

    28th - Expect the Unexpected: Part 1 - Divine Interruptions - VIEW NOTES


    5th - Special Guest: Terry Bailey (NO NOTES)

    12th - Special Guest: Brooke Martin (NO NOTES)

    19th - Expect the Unexpected: Part 2 (Drew Hawkins - NO NOTES)

    26th - Expected the Unexpected: Part 3 - Iain Swisher (NO NOTES)


    2nd - Believe Boldly - Part 1 - VIEW NOTES

    9th - Believe Boldly - Part 2 - VIEW NOTES

    16th - Believe Boldly - Part 3 - VIEW NOTES

    23rd - Navigating Hardship - Part 1 - VIEW NOTES

    30th - Navigating Hardship - Part 2 - VIEW NOTES


    7th - Navigating Hardship - Part 3 - VIEW NOTES

    14th - Special Guest: Randy Carter (NO NOTES)

    21st - Stand Firm - Part 1 - VIEW NOTES

    28th - Stand Firm - Part 2 - VIEW NOTES


    4th - Stand Firm - Part 3 - VIEW NOTES

    11th - Special Guest: Bobby Clayton (NO NOTES)

    18th - Honor God - Part 1 - VIEW NOTES

    25th - Honor God - Part 2 - VIEW NOTES


    1st - Honor God - Part 3 - VIEW NOTES

    8th - Special Guest: Terry Allen (NO NOTES)

    15th - Pursuing Holiness - Part 1 - Drew Hawkins (NO NOTES)

    22nd - Purusing Holiness - Part 2 (Fall Family Day) - VIEW NOTES

    29th - Pursuing Holiness - Part 3 - VIEW NOTES


    5th - Pursuing Holiness - Part 4 - VIEW NOTES

    12th - Special Guests: Save One (Jack & Sheila Harper) - NO NOTES

    19th - Growing Together - Part 1 - Praying Together - VIEW NOTES

    26th - Growing Together - Part 2 - Everyone is Welcome - VIEW NOTES

    NOVEMBER (Kingdom Builders)

    3rd - Special Guest: Ed Hawkins (NO NOTES)

    10th - Special Guest: Troy Davis - Convoy of Hope (NO NOTES)

    17th - Special Guest: Abe & Jill Sobczak (NO NOTES)

    24th - Is There Not a Cause? - VIEW NOTES


    1st - When Heaven Touches Earth: Pt. 1 - VIEW NOTES

    8th - When Heaven Touches Earth: Pt. 2 - VIEW NOTES

    15th - When Heaven Touches Earth: Pt. 3 - VIEW NOTES

    22nd - When Heaven Touches Earth: Pt. 4 - VIEW NOTES

    29th - Resolution or Revolution? - VIEW NOTES


    1st - Reset: Aligning Our Lives with Kingdom Principles - VIEW NOTES

    8th - Reset: Finding Fulfillment - VIEW NOTES

    15th - Reset: Building Towers and Changing Priorities - VIEW NOTES

    22nd - Reset: Aligning our Spiritual Senses - VIEW NOTES

    29th - Reset: The Proof is in the Pudding - VIEW NOTES


    5th - Reset: Expecting Miracles - VIEW NOTES

    12th - Special Guest: Randy Carter (NO NOTES)

    19th - Pastor Drew Hawkins (NO NOTES)

    26th - Letters to the Modern Church - Part 1: Nothing Else Will Do - VIEW NOTES


    5th - Letters to the Modern Church - Part 2: Will He Find Us Ready? - VIEW NOTES

    12th - Letters to the Modern Church - Part 3: The Popular Church - VIEW NOTES

    19th - Letters to the Modern Church - Part 4: The Critical Church - VIEW NOTES

    26th - Letters to the Modern Church - Part 5: The Missional Church (Mike Womack)


    2nd - Letters to the Modern Church - Part 6: The Blessed Church - VIEW NOTES

    9th - Letters to the Modern Church - Part 7: The Victorious Church - VIEW NOTES

    16th - Letters to the Modern Church - Part 8: The Political Church - VIEW NOTES

    23rd - Letters to the Modern Church - Part 9: The Perseverant Church - VIEW NOTES

    30th - Family Sunday - Special Guest: Brooks Till (NO NOTES)


    7th - Speak THE Truth - Part 1: What is Truth?  - VIEW NOTES

    14th - Mother's Day - NO NOTES

    21st - Speak THE Truth - Part 2: This I Believe - VIEW NOTES

    28th - Speak THE Truth: Part 3: Freedom in Truth - VIEW NOTES


    4th - Speak THE Truth - Part 4: Wrestling with Difficult Truths - VIEW NOTES

    11th - Speak THE Truth - Part 5: Seeking the Truth - VIEW NOTES

    18th - Speak THE Truth - Part 6: Holding on to Truth - VIEW NOTES

    25th - Speak THE Truth - Part 7: Speaking the Truth - VIEW NOTES


    2nd - Family Treasure - Part 1: They're Coming Home - VIEW NOTES

    9th - Kingdom Builders - Special Guest: Jason Curtis - NO NOTES

    16th - Family Treasure - Part 2: The Power of Prayer & Blessing - VIEW NOTES

    23rd - Family Treasure - Part 3: Making Room at the Table - VIEW NOTES

    30th - Pastor Jeannie Martin - NO NOTES


    6th - The Awe of God - Part 1: The Fear of the Lord - VIEW NOTES

    13th - The Awe of God - Part 2: Living with a Pure Heart - VIEW NOTES

    20th - The Awe of God - Part 3: Pursuing Holiness - VIEW NOTES

    27th - The Awe of God - Part 4: Trembling at His Word - VIEW NOTES


    3rd - The Awe of God - Part 5: Friendship with God - VIEW NOTES

    10th - The Awe of God - Part 6: The Wisest Thing We Can Do - VIEW NOTES

    17th-  Pastor Drew Hawkins (NO NOTES)

    24th - Fall Family Day - VIEW NOTES


    1st - Special Guest: Joshua Lowrance (NO NOTES)

    8th - But Even If: Part 1 - VIEW NOTES

    15th - But Even If: Part 2 - VIEW NOTES

    22nd - But Even If: Part 3 - VIEW NOTES

    29th - Family Sunday: Chi Alpha


    5th - Kingdom Builders - Week 1: The Gift of Giving - VIEW NOTES

    12th - Kingdom Builders - Week 2 (NO NOTES)

    19th - Choose Joy - Part 1: There's Always a Reason - VIEW NOTES

    26th - Choose Joy - Part 2: Laugh It Off - VIEW NOTES


    3rd - Special Guest: Dennis Gaxiola (NO NOTES)

    10th - Choose Joy - Part 3: Mind Your Own Business - VIEW NOTES

    17th - Choose Joy - Part 4: Believe the Best - VIEW NOTES

    24th - Choose Joy - Part 5: Keep Looking Forward - VIEW NOTES

    31st - More in '24 - VIEW NOTES


    2nd - Church Restoration: Whose Church is It? - VIEW NOTES

    9th - Church Restoration: He Restores My Soul - VIEW NOTES

    16th - Dealing with Disappointment - Drew Hawkins - NO NOTES

    23rd - Church Restoration: A Church on Fire - VIEW NOTES



    6th - SPECIAL GUEST: Bobby Davis - NO NOTES

    13th - Listen - Week 1: The Journey of a Lifetime - VIEW NOTES

    20th - Listen - Week 2: Created for Community - VIEW NOTES

    27th - Listen - Week 3: The Fall wasn't Final - VIEW NOTES


    6th - Listen - Week 4: Shelter in the Storm - VIEW NOTES

    13th - Listen - Week 5: The Altar of Sacrifice - VIEW NOTES

    20th - Listen - Week 6: God Always Has a Plan - VIEW NOTES

    27th - Listen - Week 7: Special Guest - James Seiler - NO NOTES


    3rd - Listen - Week 8: Special Guest - Michael Campbell - NO NOTES
    10th - Listen - Week 9: Victory Comes in the Morning - VIEW NOTES

    17th - Listen - Week 10: Hope is Rising - VIEW NOTES

    24th - Listen - Week 11: The Rules of the Game - VIEW NOTES


    1st - Listen - Week 12: Drew Hawkins - NO NOTES

    8th - Listen - Week 13: April Frieze - NO NOTES

    15th - Listen - Week 14: The Story of Ruth - VIEW NOTES

    22nd - Listen - Week 15: Fan the Flame - VIEW NOTES

    29th - Listen - Week 16: Set Apart for a Purpose - VIEW NOTES


    5th - Listen - Week 17: For the Glory of God - VIEW NOTES

    12th - Listen - Week 18: The Wisdom of the Wise - VIEW NOTES

    19th - Listen - Week 19: Special Guest - Randy Carter

    26th - Listen - Week 20: Special Guest - Stephen Simmons - NO NOTES


    3rd - Listen - Week 21: The Making of a Miracle - VIEW NOTES

    10th - Listen - Week 22: Finding Peace in our Problems - VIEW NOTES

    17th - Listen - Week 23: Why Have You Come into the Kingdom? - VIEW NOTES

    24th - Listen - Week 24: What are You Waiting for? - VIEW NOTES

    31st - Listen - Week 25: (Drew Hawkins) - NO NOTES


    7th - Listen - Week 26: Being Convinced of the Impossible - VIEW NOTES

    14th - Listen - Week 27: Kingdom Values - VIEW NOTES

    21st - Listen - Week 28: Lessons from a Prodigal - VIEW NOTES

    28th - Listen: Week 29: Dirty Feet - VIEW NOTES


    4th - Listen - Week 30: The Goodness of God - VIEW NOTES

    11th - Listen - Week 31: What To Do When You're Wondering - VIEW NOTES

    18th - Listen - Week 32: Special Guest - Carl David Gilbert - NO NOTES

    25th - Listen - Week 33: Power for a Purpose - VIEW NOTES


    2nd - Listen - Week 34: What a Healthy Church Looks Like - VIEW NOTES

    9th - Listen - Week 35: The Purpose and Power of Transformation - VIEW NOTES

    16th - Listen - Week 36: The Significance of our Scars - VIEW NOTES

    23rd - Listen - Week 37: (Drew Hawkins) - NO NOTES

    30th - Listen - Week 38: The Proof of our Faith - VIEW NOTES

    6th - Listen - Week 39: Look Up! - VIEW NOTES
    13th - Listen - Week 40: The End is only the Beginning! - VIEW NOTES
    20th - Listen - Bonus Week 41: - VIEW NOTES
    27th - Kingdom Builders - Week 1: NO NOTES

    4th - Kingdom Builders - Week 2: NO NOTES
    11th - The Wonder of Christmas: Joy - VIEW NOTES
    18th - The Wonder of Christmas: Hope - VIEW NOTES
    24th - The Wonder of Christmas: Peace - VIEW NOTES
    25th - The Wonder of Christmas: Love - VIEW NOTES
  • DECEMBER 2021

    NOVEMBER 2021

    • 7th - Remembering - Week 4 - View Notes
    • 14th - Kingdom Builders 2021 - Week 1 - View Notes
    • 21st - Kingdom Builders 2021 - Week 2 - No Notes 
    • 28th - Making Room - Week 1 - View Notes

    OCTOBER 2021

    SEPTEMBER 2021

    • 5th - Pastor Carl David - NO NOTES
    • 12th - Cancel Culture - Week 2 - View Notes
    • 19th - Cancel Culture - Week 3 - View Notes

    AUGUST 2021

    • 1st - But What Did God Say? Week 8 - View Notes
    • 8th - Pastor Carl David - NO NOTES
    • 15th - Pastor April Frieze - NO NOTES
    • 22nd - Pastor Ed Hawkins - NO NOTES
    • 29th - Cancel Culture - Week 1 - View Notes

    JULY 2021

    JUNE 2021

    MAY 2021

    APRIL 2021

    MARCH 2021

    FEBRUARY 2021

    JANUARY 2021